
In The Spotlight with Lokulus: Your AI workflow automation partners, for now and the future.

在十大网博靠谱平台数字公司, we like to interview our members to find out a bit more about what they do and their work in the Greater Manchester digital and technology sphere. 本周我们将与知识产品主管David Seed进行对话 & 洛克卢斯的工程部.

Lokulus开发工作流自动化技术已有20多年的历史. How has your platform and approach evolved to meet changing customer needs during that time?

Lokulus has evolved its platform and approach over the past 20 years to meet changing customer needs. 拥有二十多年的开发经验, Lokulus has empowered businesses to enhance customer experience and drive value through digital workflows. The platform provides workflow and automation software that simplifies complex challenges and improves revenue, 生产力, 以及客户满意度. Lokulus allows work to be taken in from any source and actioned through workflow automation or by agents. It integrates with almost anything that generates communication from a customer, 以及后台和前台系统. Lokulus also offers comprehensive customer and case management features, 包括自动识别客户和案件, 与后台系统的集成, 以及统一的联系记录. 通过它的自动化, 集成, 工作流程工具, Lokulus使企业能够提高效率, 降低复杂性, 改善客户体验. 整体, Lokulus has continuously adapted and improved its platform to meet the evolving needs of customers. 

对于刚接触业务流程自动化的公司, 对于如何开始并有效地使用它,你有什么建议吗?

对于刚接触业务流程自动化的公司, 下面是我们给你的10条建议:

  • Understand your business processes: Identify the key areas where automation can bring the most value and streamline operations.
  • Choose a versatile platform: Select a solution like Lokulus that integrates with various communication channels, 数据库, api, 以及后台和前台系统.
  • 定义明确的目标:确定你想通过自动化实现什么, 比如提高效率, 降低复杂性, 改善客户体验.
  • Start small: Begin by automating simple processes to gain familiarity and build confidence in the technology.
  • Engage stakeholders: Involve employees from different departments to understand their pain points and gather insights for process improvement.
  • Educate your team: Provide comprehensive training to ensure that employees understand how to use the automation tools effectively.
  • Utilise workflow automation: Leverage Lokulus' workflow automation capabilities to eliminate manual tasks, 减少错误, 加快流程.
  • Focus on customer and case management: Take advantage of Lokulus' customer and case management features, 比如自动识别, 可配置的形式, 以及与后台系统的集成.
  • Monitor and analyse: Regularly review and analyse the performance of automated processes to identify areas for further enhancement and optimisation.
  • Seek expert guidance: Consider leveraging Lokulus' expert professional services to ensure a smooth implementation and ongoing support.

通过遵循这些步骤并利用Lokulus的核心功能, companies can effectively get started with business process automation and improve efficiency, 生产力, 以及客户满意度.

Where are you seeing the most impact from bringing AI into automation workflows today?

We are seeing the most impact from bringing AI into automation workflows in the following areas:

  • Customer service: The use of AI and automation in customer service workflows has allowed businesses to resolve queries faster and provide instant resolution.
  • 流程自动化:ai驱动的机器人,比如人工智能, 弗洛, and REG are effectively automating routine tasks and streamlining business processes, 允许人类团队成员专注于更高价值的工作.
  • Enrichment processes: AI is being used to control the flow of work through enrichment processes such as language detection, 分类, 以及表单提取.
  • Personalised customer journeys: AI automation is enabling the creation of flexible customer journeys, 释放代理以执行更高效的任务.

These are some of the areas where AI in automation workflows is making a significant impact.

You have experience across industries like ecommerce, fintech and travel. 你能分享哪些可转移的最佳实践或经验呢?

通过实现工作流自动化, 企业可以提高一致性, 质量, 以及代理与客户互动的效率. 这可以通过重用标准流程来实现, 通过标准化降低座席培训成本, and boosting agent utilization by making staff capable of working across channels. Workflow automation can also provide a personalised response to customers, utilising stored information about the customer's previous interactions regardless of the channel used. 另外, workflow automation can be applied to various stages of the customer journey, 例如自动处理查询, 用十大网博靠谱平台和常见问题解答来转移话题, and enhancing the customer journey for buying and claiming on insurance or handling travel requests. 实现工作流自动化可以简化流程, 改善客户服务, 并最终推动各行业的商业成功.

作为社区成员, what topics or issues do you think are important for us to focus on in today's tech landscape?

在今天的科技领域, it is important for us to focus on topics such as AI and business process optimisation. AI has become increasingly relevant and can greatly benefit businesses by automating routine tasks, 提高效率, 提升客户体验. 另外, 业务流程优化有助于简化操作, 降低复杂性, 提高生产力. 通过优先考虑这些领域, we will continue to stay at the forefront of technological advancements and provide innovative solutions to our customers.


